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Jubilee Academies Bond Referendum

Jubilee Academies Mission is to Provide A Nurturing Community, Focused On Leadership And Educational Excellence.

Female Speaker

Jubilee Academies Bond, WHY?

In the Classroom

Jubilee Academies Bond, When?

Modern Laptop

Jubilee Academies Bond, What is Included?

Why a Bond Election

Jubilee Bond Referendum is asking voters to approve $20,000,000 for improvements to each campus in our charter school district.  The improvements will include increasing safety, and modernizing learning environments.  There will be an emphasis on Career and Technology Education to help keep our students learning in up to date classrooms. All of this will be done with no tax increase with bond approval.  Our hope and intent is to invest in Jubilee's future for greater impact on our student body and community.


As for all bond elections, the state has moved school bond elections to the general election schedule.  Therefore, the Jubilee Bond Election will take place on Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021.


Jubilee Facilities Master Plan Facts
The plan recommends:

• Improving learning environments district-wide 

• Upgrading safety and security at all schools

• Upgrading technology at all schools

• Fully renovating 3 schools

• Rebuilding 1 school on existing sites

 • Prioritizing major repairs at 4 schools

• Constructing 1 new school on new sites

• Constructing new additions at 3 schools to alleviate overcrowding and manage future student enrollment growth

• Eliminating mobile classrooms district-wide and implement Smartboards in all classrooms



Jubilee Academies Bond 

First Phase

New construction to meet growth and economic development needs • New construction will add classrooms in science and high-technology  • Upgrading facilities will reduce operational costs.  New buildings opened since 1999 operate 1.5 times more efficiently than older facilities • All schools would receive safety and security upgrades • New school design will align with modern safety and security standards

Second Phase

Construct new high school to expand innovative program offerings in geographic areas in Austin and Round Rock with greatest parent/ student demand for school choice.

Third Phase

Classroom additions and construction of four free-standing gymnasiums.  Those gyms will be at the three high schools and at one Elementary School.

Fourth Phase

  • Adding additions to one Elementary, two Middle and one  High school

  • Making critical renovations to one High School, improve Adult Education classrooms

  • Repairing and/or replacing needed HVAC and roofs

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This $20 million bond will require approximately $30 million in tax dollars to cover the principal and interest to pay back. With $10 million going to interest over the span of 40 years, that’s an average of $250 thousand a year on interest. But we feel the return on this investment is far worth the costs. 

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